Hello blog friends! I am here to share with you what may be my most favorite guest post EVER.
I asked a couple of my blog friends and idols to share a little about their blog conference experience atHaven just because honestly I don’t know all that much about “proper blogging” or rules and such, let alone blogging conferences…
Kirby from Kirb Appeal and Debbie from reFresh reStyle BLEW me AWAY with this post!
I can honestly say that I am SO excited to read {and share} what they learned with you.
AND, seriously like I said these gals know how to make me feel like I want to go and reserve my room for next years conference like RIGHT NOW!
{largely because these ladies are so sweet, and because I would just love to hang out with ALL of my blog friends in real life}
So here they are with all of their great advice and sweetness
Hi this is Kirby from Kirb Appeal and Debbie from reFresh reStyle reporting back to Jaime from Haven.
Content: Kirby Photos: Debbie
Ten things I learned at Haven:
1. Content is King. And all I could think about was the
really high first soprano parts in the “Hallelujah Chorus.” You
know the one I mean: King of Kings! And Lord of
Lords! The one with the notes I used to be able to
hit? Anyway, content is important. (My question is what if
I WANT to be random? Is there a blogging group for that?
The answer is no. So it’s time for Kirby to focus.)
2. There are fifty-skillion ways to advertise. They
involve a lot of really fancy-schmancy computer stuff like Google
Analytics and other mathy things. My guess is if you build it,
they will come. Or not.
3. That there is a right way and a wrong way to teach upholstery
and slip covering.
4. Thrift stores can be yuckky. Be prepared to get down
and dirty.
5. Unscrupulous people will try to steal your blogging
mojo. Don’t link too much to other folks’ sites or write posts
for folks you don’t know and love. Apparently, that’s a way
for them to take away from your mathy things.
6. I need to picmonkey myself, which sounds vaguely pornographic
(like Laura!), but there you have it.
7. Don’t put url in your comments; it might read as spam.
8. A beautiful young woman in skin-tight jeans and four-inch
heels wielding a power tool is someone I need to keep my husband away
9. Atlanta can be steamy in the summertime.
10. There is an entire community of wonderful, supportive,
funny, interesting women in this band of DIY bloggers. It is
amazing that, although we didn’t know each other in real life, we knew
each other right away.
Next year’s Haven Conference should include a workshop entitled
“Taking Over the World.” Our theme song should include a
lot of high notes.
what did I tell you?!?
Great advice, sweet gals and a conference that I shall start looking forward to right now!
Stay tuned for more good advice from another great blogging friend this evening!!!!!